After the fall
You want to hear something great? I’m invincible. I’m hardly sick, I rarely get injured, I ride my bike somewhat recklessly along city...

How books make me better
It’s no secret that I’m a lover of books. But I’m also a lover of running and biking and swimming, and writing, and hosting dinner...

Look me in the eye
I spend a lot of time on sidewalks. I walk to and from Mass every morning, to my car that may well be parked many blocks away, to the...

Whether we live or die
I’d never been to the funeral of a perfect stranger before. Nor had I cried so bitterly over the loss of someone I’d never met and never...

Love in the time of tempera
Now, I’m sure it’s just a phase, but I think I’m obsessed. It all started with a perfectly innocuous exhibit at the National Gallery of...

Summer reading
Remember summer reading? I don’t think I ever enjoyed it. And I’ve always loved reading. Growing up without a TV in my house was helpful....

Sweet, sweet summer
I don’t think I’ve ever before been so sorrowful at the end of summer. Isn’t summer marvelous? It’s the best. Long days, warm nights,...

This valley of tears
My heart has been aching. Has your heart been aching? We live in a troubling world, a tenuous time. We see hatred and violence bred from...

The Insomnia Chronicles
I have insomnia. It’s sporadic and self-diagnosed and (please, please, Lord) temporary. Sometimes it means I can’t fall asleep until 3....

I'm a little sailboat
Lord, make me a sailboat. It’s a prayer that I prayed at the end of the dock one early morning at the lake. For days I’d watched...