These many endless days
You know that heart-aching feeling of nostalgia? That unreserved longing to return to what once was, even for a moment? Yesterday, I sat...

On long-distance friendship
You guys. My friend Gabriella is coming to visit from New York this weekend and I CAN’T WAIT. I can’t wait to pick her up from the bus...

People are inconvenient
I pride myself on my conscientiousness. I always step aside if I’m lost while walking on a busy street, I use my turn signal when I’m...

On Lenten relenting
Confession: I used to be a Lenten overachiever. For years I approached this penitential season with gusto, plotting the most thorough...

Music to muse on
It all started with NPR. Well, it didn't all start there, but that was a turning point. I can’t quite remember how, but years ago I...

Happy hundred!
It’s true, it’s true! This marks my hundredth post. And what better way to celebrate than with 10 lists of 10? Thanks for reading, and I...

Hell is full of treadmills
I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions. I prefer making more manageable goals more often, like after I go to confession or as I’m...

The danger of when
I spent too much time on social media again today. I keep moving my pile of unfolded laundry from my bed to my chair and back again,...

The demands of desire
It's that time again. Time for gyms to be filled and kale shelves to be emptied. It’s a time full of promise, of hope, of vague...

A week of pink and joy
My roommates and I hosted a party last Sunday. We called it Gaudete Partaytay. (All day day, we claimed.) Everyone wore pink. We served...