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Let there be words.

Hi! And welcome. So, I just need to tell you some things up front. I like real books. With pages and smells. I prefer face-to-face to Facebook. I find letter-writing wonderfully romantic, however antiquated. I'm not big on the whole "social media" thing. Sometimes I dream of those carefree days of childhood when I was TV-less, phone-less, and full of imagination.

BUT. I love words. Oh, how I love them.

I have always had a great fondness for writing. Stories, poems, letters, essays, journal entries, the alphabet over and over (I liked practicing my handwriting, okay?)...I suppose I figured that, as a 23 year-old Manhattan resident, it's high time I got with the times and added "blog posts" to that list.

This idea to start a blog has been simmering in my mind for quite some time. And, try as I might, I just can't shake it. So, here we are. I've never been big on planning, or creative vision, or long-term goals. I'm more of the spontaneous type. Please forgive me in advance for the potentially unfocused nature of this here blog. I hope it will not be unbearable to follow.

Phew. Glad we got that out of the way. Shall we proceed?

I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.

John wrote that. Chapter 10, verse 10. John is my favorite of the four Gospel writers. He's just so poetic. He's Jesus' beloved disciple. He was the first to take Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as his Mother. ALSO, he loves words. More specifically, he loves the Word. "In the beginning was the Word," he begins, "and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Whatever this silly little endeavor of mine shapes up to be, I do know two things:

  1. Whatever words I put forth, there is only One that—who—matters.

  2. I will keep writing so long as this writing continues to be in pursuit of abundant life.

Abundant life. I'm still seeking it, hoping for it, tasting it, receiving it. It's a process. A journey, really. And I have the great joy of having a job (actually, way of life) that requires me to lead others to it as well. This little speck in the great wide internet will contain my musings on this very pursuit, the pursuit of abundant life. I won't have much that's profound to offer, I don't expect many besides my ever-loving parents to read it, and I may soon come to realize that this has all been a mistake and I should just return to my letter-writing and face-to-face conversations. Until then, thanks for being here. I sure am glad you are.




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