To the brim
I’ve been thinking lately of God’s extravagance. I’ve seen it in unprecedented ways in my life, starting to glimpse the way He’s using...

On kindred spirits
Anne Shirley really knows a thing or two about life. Sure, the little redheaded resident of Green Gables may be eleven and foolhardy...

My hero Mary
She’s perfect. Her fiat changed the world. She was the first on this earth to know Jesus. Her life was entirely in line with God’s will,...

24 books in 2018
One goal of mine for 2018 was to read two books a month. And while I didn’t technically fulfill my goal (reading zero books in some...

Great expectations
I finished my shopping today. Our tree isn’t decorated yet. A pile of hastily-wrapped gifts are stowed safely beneath my bed. And He is...

The season of the secret
I’ve always been great at keeping secrets. Well, secrets that others tell me, that is. But when they’re my own? When I have news to...

The agony and ecstasy of waiting
Advent is upon us. A new year in the Church, a new season for our souls, a few holy weeks to wait and watch, hope and pray. To let every...

On purposeful emptiness
As you may know, Caryll Houselander is one of my heroes. She’s a mystic, an artist, a poet. A childlike visionary and truth-teller. A...

Swaying in the sacred crowd
Image source You know those moments that are frozen in time? Moments when your heart surges and you forget yourself and slip into...

The other side
Image source I am full of contradictions. I want to be in control, to know how my life will end up, to see around corners and forego the...