Life on memory lane
I learned to walk on Broadwood Drive, posed for prom on Anderson Avenue. Decorated my first dorm on Fifth, and spent six life-changing...

A tale of two cities
Every time, no matter what, I’m swept off my feet. My pulse quickens and a spontaneous smile arrives on my face. There’s at once a...

The comfort of change and the risk of stability
I’ve moved nine times in the past eight years. I’ve lived with 23 people. I’ve traveled to California and Texas, Mexico and England,...

On coming home
I hadn’t been home for three months. You know that distinct delight of a homecoming? Enveloping hugs, familiar meals, the perfect rest of...

How to love the suburbs
Disclaimer: This post (like many) is for myself. I'm selfish that way. But maybe, just maybe, it'll help someone out there. Here's...