There's a place for us
I like to think I’m pretty level-headed. I don’t rush to conclusions. I weigh my options before making decisions. And, unless it’s...

The Father's love
It’s amazing what God does without me even asking. He’s the best gift-giver I know. One of the bounteous gifts He showered me with during...

my suitcase heart
I held so many people in my suitcase heart The Weepies, "Slow Pony Home" I have a suitcase heart. The image does come from The Weepies,...

such as these
I love kids. Dearly. Which is why my heart was just bursting that second week of our mission trip, spending hours each day with dozens of...

It is good that you exist.
“Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness…God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he...

Give Him permission.
July 9, 2015: God, this is Your trip. Do with it, with me, what You will. Take my little yes and selfish heart and transform them. Amen....