A week of pink and joy
My roommates and I hosted a party last Sunday. We called it Gaudete Partaytay. (All day day, we claimed.) Everyone wore pink. We served...

On Advent nesting
I love babies. Really, really love them. So it helps that there are quite a few of them in my life. I’ve got friends with chunky...

It's beginning to look a lot like Advent
Oh, Advent. Sweet little Advent. Like the forgotten middle child, nestled in between Thanksgiving feasts and Christmas mayhem. When our...

An Advent of receptivity
Have you ever received a gift you weren't expecting? It was several weeks ago that I did, pulled aside from a group, surprised by a...

An Advent of creation
Happy New Year! The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s calendar. Isn’t that neat? I’ve never been a big fan of...