An abundant beginning

"So, why a picture of six people clinking glasses at a dinner party?" you may ask. Well, I'll tell you.
Because I want to provide you with food for thought. I want to share with you the fruit of my prayer and reflection. I want this blog to be not unlike a meal among friends, prepared carefully and served joyfully, the source of meaningful conversation and intimate connection. I want to be hospitable, to invite you into my life, to make room for friends new and old. I want this space to be a gift.
That's why.
I began this little blog of mine two years ago, with barely a plan but many a hope. That's typical of me, I suppose. I may soon come to realize, I wrote then, that this has all been a mistake and I should just return to my letter-writing and face-to-face conversations. Well, that hasn't happened. Sure, I still revel in good old-fashioned ways of communicating and socializing, but this blog has indeed been a source of abundant life for me. And it's been writing in this space (however sporadically) that has allowed me to suck the marrow out of life, to examine the intricate ways God is working, and to invite friends near and far to join me in the pursuit of abundant life. It is certainly one worth sharing.
So, here's the plan: starting today, this feast of St. Teresa of Avila, patron saint of Catholic writers, I will be posting every Saturday morning.
Every Saturday morning.
Even typing that out gives me pause. There's something enormously intimidating about making a commitment and letting others in on it. About risking the possibility of failure. But I want to be a woman of my word, and I'd like you to hold me to that. I always, always, have a slew of post ideas simmering in my mind, begging to be given shape and set free, but so often I lack the discipline to oblige. But the more I write, the more they come. And the more abundantly I live.
So, I'd love for you to join me. Come on over every Saturday, or whenever, and let's partake in this pursuit together.